Wednesday 15 February 2012

5 Safety Tips for the Car

Despite regulations that are in place to keep people safe in their cars, thousands of people die each year in accidents, many of which could have been prevented. In 2010, the NHTSA reported approximately 30,000 vehicular deaths, a number far below the 40,000 reached in the late 1970s, but still an astronomical amount. As many people die in car accidents every two years as there were soldiers killed in the Vietnam War, underscoring the magnitude of auto safety.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Why People Like Sports Cars

Individuals often ask themselves why people like sports cars. Some say that it is the macho image, some say that it is a striving to revisit the owner's youth, some see them as sex symbols and pulling magnets and perhaps all those are valid, but one thing is for certain, sports cars stand out in an age when you have to be an expert on cars to be able to tell the difference between the different models without looking at the badge.

Monday 13 February 2012

Car Technology: A Glimpse Into the Future

When you were young did you imagine that one day you might see flying cars soaring across the sky? Apart from in films such as 'Back to the future' we haven't really progressed that far yet, well, not in any form that could make them commercially viable or in any way cost effective.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Hybrid Cars - Advantages and Disadvantages

Hybrid automobiles are considered as the car of the future. It really is in a position to appropriately conserve fuel and in the comparable time, it only generates small levels of poisonous fumes. Because of these benefits, hybrid vehicles are now rising in popularity every single day. A lot of people are actually looking at removing their conventional cars and trucks and decide to buy a hybrid automobile to aid in reducing fuel usage amount.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Compressor Care

Air compressors have a variety of uses all the way from airing up a small bicycle tire to industrial applications. Oil keeps these machines running smoothly and extends the life of the machine. Taking proper care of the machine allows the owner the benefit of having the use of the machine much longer than a machine that is not taken care of properly. Air compressor lube also helps cut the cost of production for industries that are reliant on the machinery that makes their product or packages the products. Oil is a necessity to ensure efficiently running machines that will stand up to constant use or even occasional use by the average homeowner.

Friday 10 February 2012

Why Are Diesel Repairs Different Than Other Engine Repairs

There was a time a few years ago when everyone wanted to jump on the bandwagon for diesel engine cars. Diesel was cheap, the cars ran just as good and people liked them. Until the manufacturers of diesel realized they could make some extra money by changing the price of the fuel needed in order to run these types of engines. Down went the popularity of diesel engines in cars.

Thursday 9 February 2012

5 Tips for Selecting Your Car Detailing Equipment

Choosing car detailing equipment can be a tough job, especially since there are so many companies and products competing for your attention and your money. But if you use the following five benchmarks to judge each one in turn, you will be able to determine which products are really worth your consideration. Simply judge each product on a scale of 1 to 5 in each of these areas, tally up the score for each and then use the guide at the end to help make your decision.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

How Are Electric Motors Used in Electric Cars?

Did you know that environmentally friendly cars use electric motors rather than gasoline engines to create less pollution? Electric cars are much kinder to the environment and are perfectly suited to use in the city. These cars usually look just like regular cars from the outside but on the inside they are quite different: instead of a gasoline engine with all its exhaust pipes and coolant hoses, there is an electric motor connected to a controller.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

How To Keep Your Car In Great Condition

When it comes to purchasing a car, there are many different elements that will go into the decision. The process of finding the right car can be long and arduous, or it can be short and sweet, based on your price range, the specifics of what you are looking for, and various other aspects. Once you have purchased a car, it is important that you are able to maintain it in good condition. There is nothing more frustrating than bringing a car home, only to find that it begins to have engine problems or other problems within a very short amount of time. This is true whether you purchase a new or a used car. If you are interested in keeping your car in good condition as time progresses, it is absolutely essential that you do basic maintenance and that you replace broken or worn parts. This will not only help you maintain the monetary value of your car, it will also reduce the stress and the financial burden of visiting a mechanic with a problem that was totally preventable.

Monday 6 February 2012

How To Paint A Car - Step By Step

Most people think that repainting a vehicle is too hard and should be left to the professionals. Well, I'm here to tell you that with the right approach and the right information you can easily repaint your vehicle at home AND achieve results that even a professional would be proud of! In this article we are going to take a brief look at the steps involved for a complete car repaint.

Sunday 5 February 2012

The Top 10 Best Choppers of All Time

For the past few years now I have looked for the 10 Best Choppers and I am surprised no one has made a list like this before. I couldn't find any lists of the best choppers at all I started to wonder why that was. I decided I was going to make my own then since no one else has and while I was deciding and looking for bikes to include I realized why no one has done this yet! Its so damn hard just to choose ten Choppers because there are so many different styles and types of bikes its like finding the hay in the needle stack!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Motorbikes - Safety Tips and Gear for Riders

Motorbike riding can be a great recreational activity for anyone who enjoys extreme sports. Racing your bike on a dirt track, challenging yourself and taking calculated risks can be exhilarating as well as character building and a lot of fun! However, without the right safety regulations and gear in place, it can also be very dangerous. Make sure that you take the time to make your riding experience safe and enjoyable so that you can get the most from it every single time. All riders should be wearing jackets, boots, and helmets that are designed specifically for adventure sport motorbikes to protect themselves from things like falling, road rash, and injuries.

Friday 3 February 2012

Automobile Engine - Petrol Vs Diesel

Both diesel and petrol are taken out of mineral oil but diesel has better fuel efficiency and lower Carbon dioxide emission. Thus, with respect to the engine concept and combustion process, a diesel engine is more efficient for the same power output. This means diesel consumes lesser fuel. Though diesel is considered to be heavier, it is more efficient than petrol and the engine efficiency is higher by about 20%.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Ways You Can Prepare Your Vehicle For Winter

Keeping your car on the road during winter can be a challenge. Freezing temperatures and bad weather cause adverse road conditions that can test the skill and resolve of the hardiest of drivers. But by completing a few simple checks and knowing the safest way to handle your vehicle should conditions take a turn for the worst, you can stay safe and mobile this winter.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

How Do Electric Car Batteries Work?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, "How the heck can electric cars run for hundreds of miles with just a pair of batteries?" Needless to say, the curiosity is quite common among car owners. Everybody experienced a dead battery at least once in their lifetime, no?

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Tire Safety - Why It Matters

Your tires are an important element of your vehicle's safety. Good tires help keep your vehicle safe, you and your passengers safe, and yes, even other drivers safe. Because so much safety depends on your tires, it's important to have your tires in the best possible shape.

Monday 30 January 2012

2004 Koenigsegg CCR Overview - World Record Car

If I ask you what car held the world's top speed production car record in the 90s, most of you would answer the McLaren F1. If I would then ask what is the top speed production car record for the 2000s, most of you would answer the Bugatti Veyron and Veyron Super Sport. But what most of you don't know, is that there is a small Swedish company, no - not IKEA, that briefly held that record as it transitioned from the F1 to the Veyron: the Koenigsegg CCR.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Scooter and Motorcycle Balance Or the "Newbie Shuffle"

I'm sure you've all seen it. A hesitant rider waddles their way round a parking lot, or shuffles their way through a slow manoeuvre - all the time pecking at the ground with their toes, or doing a fair impression of a penguin walk.

This is the Newbie Shuffle™ (in certain circles also known as "the Harley Shuffle", but I won't go there).
It stems from the rider's lack of faith in their ability to balance the machine.

Saturday 28 January 2012

9 Free Public Record Resources You Can Research Online

These days, just about any information you're looking for can be found on the Internet through public record research. While these records have always been publicly available, with the evolution of the Internet we can now simply log on to a website to conduct research that used to take hours and hours of legwork.

Now admit it - you've probably tried to research someone online before… maybe an old friend or a long-lost cousin (hopefully you're not stalking - because I would never condone that). Usually what will happen is that some website pops up asking you to "Click Here" to find out everything you want to know about your subject. For a fee.

Friday 27 January 2012

Top 9 Tips to Make Your Next Event Successful

Planning a successful event is a daunting task. As an event planner, you need to take care of a lot of things, including all the back-office and administrative workload well in advance to avoid the last-minute glitches. Moreover, you need to appoint staffs accordingly, so that they can help you plan an effective program. Hence, an increasing number of event organizers are looking for a highly effective and functional way to streamline the planning process. The online event registration system offers the same, thus making it one of the most sought-after solutions among the organizers. Here are the top 9 tips for planning a successful event.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Automotive Pollutants and Their Control

The internal combustion engine of an automobile generates a lot of pollutants, but the major ones are CO, NOx and unburnt hydrocarbons.

The carbon-monoxide gas is present in the exhaust if the combustion (or burning) of the fuel is not complete, mainly due to insufficient air. It can be fixed in the 3-way catalytic converter, which oxidizes it to CO2. It can also be controlled by use of Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor or EGOS, which is located in the exhaust pipe and sends back a signal to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). This altera the fuel:air ratio and other parameters like the ignition advance angle to let the combustion to be complete.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Evolution of Windshield Wiper Blades

It was a cold and windy, winter's day in New York City when Mary Anderson boarded the trolley. The year was 1903, the raindrops began to freeze, and each one could be heard as they clicked against the windows. Once settled in her seat, Mary examined her surroundings. She watched as the driver struggled to keep the windshield clear. He would reach out his open window every few minutes and clear his view. Mary pulled her wrap tighter around her shoulders and continued to observe.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Making Car Care Easy

Owning a car is a big responsibility. Whether you are picking out your very first vehicle or if you've owned one for years, it's important to take this responsibility seriously. A car in good condition is easier to drive, easier to take care of, and will last longer than one that hasn't been taken care of. Once you get the hang of it, taking care of your car is actually very easy. It only takes some basic know-how and a few helpful car care products to give your car the basic maintenance it needs to stay in great shape for many more years.

Monday 23 January 2012

Tips for Towing Your Jeep Safely

Towing a Jeep is something that every Jeep enthusiast has had to do at some point. Some Jeep owners tow their Jeeps in order to get them to their off-roading destination while others tow them out of necessity after a breakdown has occurred. Whatever the reason behind your need to tow your Jeep we are going to offer you some helpful tips to keep the process safe.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Top 10 Reasons Why Businesses Succeed

When it comes to business, there are plenty of stats on business failures and why this happens. Knowing the potential obstacles certainly provides you with information that can help you avoid the pitfalls. But since our brain works better with positive reinforcement, why not focus on what you can and should do - not what you should avoid doing! Here's 10 ways to create a successful business.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Business Cards Online - Why Quality Matters?

If you are someone who's currently managing a business, you should understand the importance of marketing for the success of your business. With proper understanding of marketing strategies, you will not only be able to attract customers but you will also be able to gain a competitive advantage over your business rivals. And of course, you will need the appropriate tools if you want to succeed in the aspect of business marketing. One such tool that you can rely is the business card. But if you want to successfully benefit from such a tool, there are several factors that you need to keep in mind. Read on and you will find out the importance of high quality business cards online.

Friday 20 January 2012

The Answer For Jealousy

At one time or another every couple must delve into their core regarding issues of jealousy, bound in securities sometimes previously untapped.

The single person isn't immune, either. Their jealousies are camped in distances of awkwardness. So much so there may be no reasonable outlet.

Jealousies affect us all, if that sense of possessiveness is exacted to the point where trust is corroded. This issue is decked in the fact of our insecurity for dim and dark grievances hid, unresolved, in the past.

Thursday 19 January 2012

7 Common Mistakes When Buying A Used Car

Buying a second hand car can be just as exciting as buying a brand new one, but it requires the buyer to do their homework of careful research and inspection to make sure the investment is worth the hard-earned cash. In this article, we provide 7 common mistakes buyers make that can ruin the experience of purchasing and owning a car. We also provide some practical guidelines on how to avoid them.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Car Running This Winter

Winter can be hard on your vehicle. This is why it is so important that you make sure your car or truck is serviced and ready for the cold temperatures ahead. Routine maintenance and repairs will help you avoid a breakdown when you least expect it. Listed here are some winter driving tips and helpful hints to keep your vehicle running smoothly and trouble-free.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Driving at Night

Whether you're planning a road trip across Europe, driving back from work at night or even popping to the shops for a few essentials, it's guaranteed that you'll be driving at night at least some point during your week. Due to reduced visibility and potential fatigue, driving at night requires extra care and attention at all times.

Monday 16 January 2012

Trick Photography and Special Effects Techniques

If you're ready to take your photography skills to the next level and have fun, read on to discover the different trick photography and special effects techniques that you can instantly use. We'll cover 3 of the more common trick photography and special effects techniques as they require very little extra effort to get started.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Tips on How To Become A Professional Photographer

If you think you have what it takes to become a professional photographer, it's about time you took the necessary steps to achieve this dream of yours. Finding out how to become a professional photographer may seem quite easy especially as you watch the experts focusing those lenses and clicking away. Yes, it is surely fun if this is your passion. However, getting there may not be as trouble-free as you think.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Super Foods for Superior Health

Research in diet and nutrition has recently shown that there are many very nutritious foods that have the ability to improve a person's health and well being. Termed 'super foods,' these tasty foods are not just healthy, but contain fewer calories, are packed with antioxidants and seriously taste good too.

Friday 13 January 2012

Vitamins: Helpful or Harmful?

The research about benefits and risks of supplemental vitamins continues to be discouraging. Unfortunately this is probably the worst year in the last five for bad news. Despite the growing evidence of destructive forces in our habits and lifestyles there is little hope that multivitamins or antioxidant supplements serve any purpose other than draining our wallets. A multibillion dollar industry revolves around our collective beliefs to the contrary. According to industry sources in 2011, over $9 billion was spent on vitamins and supplements in the U.S.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Some Tips To Financing A Property Development

Property development is a popular option for many-- regardless if it is businesses or homebuyers. The benefit of developing property is that it is possible to make a home or office precisely as you want it to be. Having said that, the question comes to the funding of the development of any property.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Virtual Banking: Best Practices to Design the Best Mobile App

In today's technological world, people enjoy the finer things in life without having to exert too much effort for it. One thing that may have contributed to this major change is the internet. Nowadays, people can do anything with the internet, from ordering their meals, buying new stuff and even selling their used ones. Another great innovation is virtual banking.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Choosing the Right Investment Product for You

There are a lot of different investment products available for people with different investment needs. Fund managers and firms offering financial services offer a diverse array of investment options that would suit each individual's investment needs. These products range from the more conservative, fixed-earnings investments to the more aggressive ventures such as stocks and everything else in between. Choosing from the different investment options can be overwhelming for first time investors, but luckily, there are ways to determine which of the many investment products can be a suitable choice.

Monday 9 January 2012

Taking Advantage of Wheelchair Vans for Sale

Some years ago, wheelchair vans for sale were hard items to come by. As new technologies and advancements came about, new developments took place with wheelchair vans making them more commonplace and more functional for the disabled. Now those confined to wheelchairs have many more opportunities afforded them not only transportation wise, but in the ability to be more mobile and free in many other locations they choose to visit.

Sunday 8 January 2012

The Difference Between Heavy Duty And Full Size Pickup Trucks

You've probably heard truck manufactures say that they have the best heavy duty pickup trucks. Or they may say they have the best full size pickups or compact pickups.

Do you know what each of these means?

Understanding these simple terms will help you a lot when comparing different rides. It helps a lot when you're purchasing a new truck. This article will provide you with an understanding of the different and most common pickup classes.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Riding Tips for Mini Dirt Bikes

Riding mini dirt bikes is the surest way to many hours of fun and excitement. No doubt about it. But, if you believe even for a moment that mini dirt bikes are toys that may be handled flippantly, you're in for a shock. Mini dirt bikes do not take kindly to improper or careless handling.

Friday 6 January 2012

Motorcycle Riding Tips: Riding in Bad Weather

Even when you do your best to avoid it, it is almost guaranteed that at some point you will find yourself driving your motorcycle in less-than-desirable weather conditions. Whether you choose to take your motorcycle for a spin or you find yourself surprised by a sudden change in weather, the following are a number of tips you should keep in mind to ensure your safety as well as the safety of others on the road:

Thursday 5 January 2012

Motorcycle Maintenance and Safety Tips

Every little part has its purpose. Just like the human body, machines should also be well maintained in order for them to function properly. If you want your motorcycle to perform at its best, you should know how to maintain and care for it. Motorcycle maintenance is not only essential, but a crucial part of motorcycle ownership. It should be taken seriously and it involves and requires effort from motorcycle owners. Maintenance will save you money and time replacing parts that may not have needed to have been replaced if properly cared for.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Top 10 Motorcycle Safety Tips When Learning To Ride

Top 10 Safety Tips...

1.) Assume Other Drivers Can Not See You: Ride assuming that you and your motorcycle are totally invisible to others. That means Don't Ever assume that drivers can see you. Because the odds are, they can not, so remember that yourself and always have an "out" for dangerous situations. Motorcycle Safety depends on you.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Maintaining Your Coolant System

The coolant system ensures your car's engine doesn't overheat and runs at the operating temperature set by your car's manufacturer. It's a fact that an engine that operates at a temperature over or under the temperature it's meant to run at is far less fuel efficient. It can also lead to internal engine parts wearing out.

The coolant systems ensures that your engine reaching optimum operating temperature as quickly as possible. The means the oil that lubricates your engine warms up and flows to all the parts. Your coolant system also provides warm air inside the car and demists your windows when it's cold or raining.

Monday 2 January 2012

Auto Computer - How a Car Computer Can Change the Performance of Your Vehicle

Since the introduction of automobiles in 1900's, there were a lot of improvements made to what we see know as cars. The noise of the engine, emissions, mileage, and fuel efficiency are some of these things. But did you know that most of these improvements were made with the help of a small device inside your vehicle? An auto computer is a small device that is placed inside your car to improve its performance. But what are the improvements that a car computer has contributed?

Sunday 1 January 2012

Basic Car Care Tips For Safety And Performance

Almost everyone can appreciate a beautifully maintained, classic sports car. Now picture in your mind the same car as a useless vehicle due to negligence of simple auto care, let's say because the owner ignored to check fluid levels and did not add oil to the engine. Not following some basic car care tips can equal the end of the engine for an automobile and the end of the story for a vehicle. What has become a major expense that may exceed the value of the vehicle, would have been a relatively low cost expenditure.
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