Sunday 1 January 2012

Basic Car Care Tips For Safety And Performance

Almost everyone can appreciate a beautifully maintained, classic sports car. Now picture in your mind the same car as a useless vehicle due to negligence of simple auto care, let's say because the owner ignored to check fluid levels and did not add oil to the engine. Not following some basic car care tips can equal the end of the engine for an automobile and the end of the story for a vehicle. What has become a major expense that may exceed the value of the vehicle, would have been a relatively low cost expenditure.

The automobile owner who is not well versed towards essential car care can refer to their owner's manual to find the best maintenance plan for their specific vehicle, but there are general car care tips that apply to all vehicles. If you do not care for your vehicle it will fail to operate properly or worse, as in our classic sports car story above.

For those who care about maintaining a smooth running, safe car, these tips are for you:

1. Check the oil filter and oil levels at least every 3,000 miles.

2. Your auto has various other fluid levels that need to be check on a regular basis. Again, at least every 3,000 miles, the fluid levels for the brakes, power steering, transmission, radiator coolant and windshield wiper fluids should be included.

3. A regular check on all hoses and belts should be done and replaced as they are showing cracks or are frayed.

4. Brake maintenance is often neglected without realizing it. Not all brakes make loud noises when they are in need of maintenance. You should check the brake system about every six months.

5. Testing of the car battery should be done three years from purchase for a new car, and every three years for older vehicles. Battery condition and connections should be checked to make sure there is no excess corrosion and the battery is secure.

6. Inspect the exhaust system for leaks. If there are leaks, repairs are needed as they can be deadly to those in the car.

7. For a properly running engine, auto tune-ups are essential.

8. The car's heating and air conditioning should be checked yearly for proper functionality.

9. Check and replace lights and washer blades as they burn out or wear out.

10. Check tie rods, struts, and ball joints at least twice a year.

11. Maintain proper air level in tires and apply new tires as needed or when tread becomes no less than 2/32 of an inch (for normal driving conditions, or 4/32 of an inch if you are concerned about wet roads).

12. Rotate tires about every 5,000 miles.

Everyone should follow these basic car care tips to assure safety and car performance. To find auto maintenance tips that are specific to your car, remember to refer to your automobile's manual.

For car care tips, Luxury Source follows a car care blog, and has found the best auto care tips. Brakes Plus provides professional auto brake repair and brake maintenance, and is one of the brake shops that takes pride in knowing their customers and exceeding expectations.

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